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Keeping safe as restrictions begin to lift

Yesterday (March 23rd) marked the one year anniversary since the beginning of the first coronavirus national lockdown in the UK.

In a press conference last night, Prime Minister Boris Johnson thanked everyone responsible for the vaccine rollout. The mass vaccination programme has enabled us to protect more than 28 million people in the UK with a first jab, and administer more than 30 million doses in total to date.

"When people come to describe this epidemic to future generations," he said, "we’ll tell the story of the heroes of the NHS and social care of pharmacists, teachers, armed service personnel, shop workers, transport workers, the police and so many others.

"But in the end this was unlike any other struggle in my lifetime, in that our entire population has been engaged and it’s thanks to all of you therefore that we can continue on our roadmap to freedom."

The path out of lockdown looks to be a long and gradual one. So far we have seen the reopening of schools and practical higher education courses restart. Figures reported so far are positive with the number of coronavirus cases and deaths continuing to decline.

The next key dates will be 29th March when outdoor gatherings of either 6 people or 2 households will be allowed. Followed by the 12th April when we will see more restrictions lifted. These will include the reopening of non-essential shops, hairdressers beauty salons, libraries and community centres - as well as most outdoor attractions.

As the restrictions lift it is important we all still follow the basic rules to help stop the spread. Keeping a social distance from those not in your household or bubble wherever possible, wearing face coverings and washing and sanitising hands frequently.

Wearing a full face shield visor as well as a mask is a good idea because it offers extra protection. Unlike masks, full face shield visors also protect the eyes – which can be an entry point into the body for some viruses. They also provide a physical barrier which help stop wearers touching their face with their hands.

The SheffShield is a light, yet robust, full face shield visor with integrated ear savers which make it comfortable to wear for long periods with a mask. It can be sterilised and reused after each use and it's made of recyclable materials.

SheffShield full face visors are available to buy from as little as £1.79 each here.

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